速報APP / 娛樂 / Insect Repellent Guide

Insect Repellent Guide





版本需求:Android 4.0.3 以上版本



Insect Repellent Guide(圖1)-速報App

Here is another reason why no need insect sprayers.,

a study proves childrenwhich is exposed to pesticides high risk for cancer

Review of 16 studies conducted sincethe 1990s found that children which is in the vicinity of pesticides have great opportunities for developing leukemia blood lymphoma and lymphoma. Researchers found that exposed children

to internal insecticides is 47 percent moremay be diagnosed with leukemia in children and 43 percent more likely to be diagnosed with lymphoma children than children who never exposed to such chemicals. let's just say no to bug sprayers

Here we provide one of the latest applications of it's Insect Repellent Guide

where this app will give you some tips repel insects naturally without the use of toxic substances.

The Insect Repellent Guide is very good as it not only helps in cleaning around your home from insect attacks but also help reduce the risk of children being exposed to poisons.

The Insect Repellent Guide App is also very easy to use and suitable for all age, what is better for this app, can also be used when you're offline.

Insect Repellent Guide(圖2)-速報App

Download Insect Repellent Guide app now for free, I'm sure this app will help you.


All the infomation and photos in this application are not our trademarks. It is collected from websites and search engines. please let us know if you are the owner of origin of the content or photo and want to be removed from this application. thank you

Internet usage:-

#Application uses internet connection to load this app. I am pretty sure that you will not disappointed after get this app


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Insect Repellent Guide(圖3)-速報App

There are ads in this app. Images for this app are stored on the internet and this costs money. application is free, it does not promote paid version of this app, the only way to support future development is to include ads. Please treat that with understanding.